Technology is Fascinating But Nature is Amazing

by carartlog

Here is a sequence of images of a doe doing what deer will do; stand in the middle of a field between two major roads.  A common site on the prairies.   In this case the deer is in the middle of a new corn field on Vancouver Island.  A closer look reveals quite a surprise.

When we first came along mamma deer was laying down in the middle of this corn field.

When we first came along mamma deer was laying down in the middle of this corn field.

Like most wild animals the deer went into alert and stood up when the car stopped.

Like most wild animals the deer went into alert and stood up when the car stopped.

Take a closer look. Do you see anything else?

Take a closer look. Do you see anything else?

How about here? Is that a small head?

How about here? Is that a small head?

Sure enough we have a newborn.

Sure enough we have a newborn.

Thought you were pretty smart finding the baby. Look again.

Thought you were pretty smart finding the baby. Look again.



Here is a close up of the corn field.  Looks like a great place to hide to me!

Here is a close up of the corn field. Looks like a great place to hide to me!
